We recommend that you keep the confidentiality of the username and password that you sign in to prevent unauthorized access through your user account. In this way, every access via the account (username and password) is assumed to be responsible for all actions that will be taken when using this account.

By entering or using the SITE, USERS and CUSTOMERS agree to take all necessary measures to ensure that password security will not be disclosed by third parties.

If you have any doubts about unauthorized use or misuse when using your account, we recommend that you immediately inform the team of Eviza.

When submitted, the information provided must be correct and complete.

Please note that you bear liability, including criminal liability, for any statements made or false data.

Eviza reserves the right to refuse each USER access to the SITE, close an account or cancel orders, including confirmed orders.

Eviza reserves the right to restrict access to the SITE to support the site or to introduce new activities or services.

Confidentiality / Privacy Policy

Evisa understands the importance of the confidentiality of your personal data.

For each transaction, we ensure the security of all USERS ‘data and ensure that your personal data is protected.

Keep your password and do not give your password to anyone.

Avoid using the same password for different accounts;

If you are using a public computer (such as a library or Internet cafe), always make sure you log out of your account before turning off the computer;

Change your password often; Do not disclose personal information!

Eviza will not require you to disclose the password for your account or your credit card number by phone or e-mail.

We never ask you to disclose data from your bank account or other personal information over the phone.

Any such request, either by phone or by email, should be ignored.

If someone has asked you such a request, please contact our team.

Identify fake emails (forgery or fraud)

Eva’s authentic emails are those sent by e-mail only from evizabg@abv.bg

There are no authentic e-mails from evizabg.com that require personal information, or those that point you to a site other than evizabg.com

Protection of personal data

Information relating to personal data or collected through the operations at evizabg.com will be processed by Alert BG EOOD, with headquarters in Stara Zagora, M. Kusev Blvd 58

We guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data provided and transmitted through our computer system.

The data and personal information provided by CUSTOMERS / CUSTOMERS is used by Eviza to manage orders, deliver products and services, process payments, communicate with USERS / CUSTOMERS about orders, products, services and promotional offers, products and services.

Eviza also uses this data and information to improve the online store and online trading platform to avoid or prevent fraud or abuse to the detriment of evizabg.com and to allow third parties to provide technical support, logistics and other services for evizabg.com

Alert BG Ltd. retains any information placed on the SITE or otherwise sent by USERS / CUSTOMERS.

Most of the personal data is provided by you when you register your account, search for products on the SITE when you place orders or send messages, or when you communicate with evizabg.com employees

Personal data means any information used to identify a natural person or its equivalent; an identifiable person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by means of one identification number or one or more parameters of his physical identity – psychological, mental, economic, cultural or social.

The processing of personal data is any operation or set of operations performed in respect of personal data by automatic or non-automatic means such as collecting, recording, organizing, storing, adjusting or modifying, downloading, consulting, using, disclosing to third parties for transmission, distribution or other form, connection or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction.

The data you provide are: name, surname, PIN, address, e-mail address and phone number, name of the order recipient (addresses and telephone numbers), and financial data.

A series of data is collected in an automated module from evizabg.com, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect the computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; information about your computer and connection methods like yours